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Kind Of Expression
Expression of love
Expression of Love:
*       I love you
*       I love you from the bottom of my heart.
*       I really love you.
*       I love you so much.
*       I must love it.
*       You are my everything.
*       I Like you
*       I Love you for a long time
*       I love you, mom
*       You don’t know how much I love you
*       From the first I meet you, I think love you
*       She was the love of my life
*       I have a crush on you
*       I fall for you
*       I love you too.
*       Me too.
*       I also love you.
*       So do I.
*       I love it, too.
*       I feel the same with you.
*       Just the same with you.
*       I hate…
*       I don’t really like…
*       I dislike…
*       I am not really interested in…
*       I can’t enjoy…
*       I’am aalso very fond of you
*       It’s not one-sides
*       I’am sorry. I don’t feeling the same
*       I’m afraid I don’t have the same
*       I’m afraid I can’t accept your love
One day, a.bani mom’s birthday.
a.bani : I want to say something to the mother.
Mother : what is that ?
a.bani : happy birthday mom, I love you.
Mother : thank you dear, I love you too.
a.bani : You are the best mom for me. God bless you.
Mother : Thanks dear I hope you'll be the best daughter for mom.
Expression of ambarassment
*       I am embarrassed
*       I feel ashamed
*       Oh, My God
*       Shame on me
*       I don't feel comfortable
*       I feel awkward
*       It’s my embarrassment to….
*       That’s a real embarrassment
*       What an embarrassment!
*       I must say that it’s an embarrassment.
*       What a shame.
*       I was so ashamed.
*       It really makes me ashamed.
*       Tell me it never happened.
*       I don't think it's a big deal.
*       Don't worry about it.
*       You may not have such a feeling.
*       Are you OK?
*       You must be very ashamed.
*       What’s wrong with you?
The park ruli see aris always covered her face. and ruli approached aris.
Ruli : what happen to your face ?
Aris : I feel ashamed
Ruli : why do you feel ashamed ?
Aris : I headed for the cafeteria time, I slipped, because the banana peel that I did not see when I walk. and everyone who was in the cafeteria to see me and laughing at me.
Ruli : but, are you OK ?
Aris : I’am OK.
Expression of anger
Asking if someone is angry:
*       What happened?
*       What do you look so insulted ?
*       Did I insult you? 
*       Are you angry about something
Exprssion Anger:
*       Well, I’ve never been so insulted in my live.
*       Who are you to say such a thing to me?
*       What do you mean I did a terrible job?
*       Oh, hell!
*       what the hell are you doing here ?
*       I’am really upset now
*       You really make me angry
Calming someone down:
*       Relax.
*       Take it slow.
*       Take it easy.
*       Calm down

in the classroom, ask uli book borrowed by wiwi yesterday
Uli : hy wiwi
Wiwi : hy
Uli : do you bring my book ? book you borrowed yesterday
Wiwi : what ? hmmm
Uli : why ? where is my book, I need it now
Wiwi : I’am sorry, I’am forget.
Uli : what you say ? You really make me angry
wiwi : I’am really sorry
Uli : I’am really upset now
Expression of sadness
*       I’m Oh no/ oh dear!        
*       feeling blue.
*       Poor …!
*       the lowest mark    
*       the lowest ....
*       I feel so blue.
*       I’am so sad
*       I’m sad
*       I was sad to hear …
*       It’s so sad
*       Oh, I just don’t know what to do
*       I can see why you’re so sad … but…
*       … comes as my great sadness.
*       I must say I had hoped …
*       I’m very sad because …
*       I’m really sad to know it.
*       I’m not in a good mood.
*       Please,don’t disturb me, I have a trouble.
*       I can’t hold my tears on it
*       I’m sorry that ....
*       Don’t drop your self into sadness
*       Don’t be sad I ever ....
*       Don’t worry ....
*       Don’t be sad, please
*       Take it easy
*       It’ll get better soon
*       Lighten up
*       Cheer up
In the class, a.nurul see ainun look sad.
A.nurul: Hi good morning Ainun ..
Ainun: hiii a.nurul .. good morning ..
A.nurul: how are you?
Ainun : I’am fine
A.nurul : but, I saw you look so sad !
Ainun: seriously ? Do I look so sad ?
A.nurul: yes..why?
Ainun: Well, honestly, Examination tests will be held tomorrow and I have not mastered the material in mathematics yet. What should I do? I'm Confused
A.nurul: I'll help you. we can learn together to master the material.

Expression of surprise
Expression :
*       I find it extraordinary
*       I must say it surprises me
*       I find that very suprising
*       How very surprising
*       Indeed ?
*       Wow ! what a surprise !
*       That’s a surprise !
*       That’s very surprising !
*       Really ?
*       What ?
*       Are you serious ? you must be joking !
*       You’re kidding !
*       Fancy that !
*       Surprise !
*       Where ? show me
Response :
*       Sure
*       It’s true
*       No, I’m  not
*       It is
*       Oh my gosh
*       Wow !
*       I’am serious
*       Yeah !
*       Yup !
*       Come on
*       Does it ?
Surprising amazement of something :
*       Fantastic !
*       Wonderful
*       It’s great !
*       It’s terrific
*       Wow , that’s amazing !
*       It’s very nice
*       impressive
In parking, santi see a new motor is which park beside its motor.
santi : Whose motorbike is that?
fifi   : It’s a.bani.
santi : Are you kidding me?
fifi   : No, I’m not. I saw her riding that motorbike this morning.
santi : What a surprise!

Expression of annoyance
*       Oh, dear! 
*       Oh, no! 
*       Bother! 
*       Damn!
*       I’m fed up with it.
*       I’ve had just about enough of this condition.
*       It really bothers me.
*       I can’t stand it anymore.
*        I'm annoyed
*       I had enough with it
*       I can't stand it
*       I can't bear it any longer
*       I'm fed up with it
*       You made me annoyed
*       You are such pain in the neck
*       You made me sick
*       I’m extremely displeased with…
*       …is very irritating
*       I’m extremely unhappy about this
*       …really makes me mad
*       I cannot stand…
*       Why on earth he didn’t…? 
Response :
*       Relax.
*       Take it slow.
*       Take it easy.
*       Calm down
One day wiwi was watching in secretions, uli suddenly came and sat in front of him, blocking his view so uli wiwi being watched
wiwi: Naufal Hey! What are you doing there?
uli: I want to sit here!
Wiwi : Move now! I am watching now. You had block my view.
Uli : Aaaah! Just a minutes!
Wiwi : Move now Naufal! It really bothers me.
Uli : Ok. I'm sorry sister ..
Expression of Pleasant and unpleasant
Expression of pleasant :
*       That will be a great…
*       Oh, I’m happy about
*       Surprise!
*       Oh, what a pleasant
*       Oh, thanks God!
*       Great/That’s great.
*       Good!/ That’s good
*       Terrific/ That terrific.
*       I’m pleased.
*       I enjoyed it.
*       I’m delighted.
*       It’s wonderful/ How wonderful
*       How marvelous
*       I am pleased with it / that.
*       that’s my pleasure.
*       It gives me pleasure.
*       I am happy with ……
*       I like it.
*       I’m very pleased/delighted about..
*       I Love it
Expression of unpleasant :
*       I’m really displeased to..
*       I’m disappointed with..
*       Oh not, not again!
*       I don’t feel like ….(watching it)
*       I don’t see any advantages of ……(watching it)
*       What a terrible …. It is!
*       I cant stand to this situation
*       I feel bad about this.
*       I'm really sad to see the situation.
One day wiwink and Nisa talk about those projects in jogja
Wiwink : “Nisa, has our branch office in Jogja called us about the project?”
Nisa : “Yes, Sir. I received their call an hour ago.”
Wiwink : “Good news or bad news?”
Nisa : “They said the customer accepted our offer and would like to meet you to discuss further.”
Wiwink : “Did they?”
Nisa : “Yes, wiwink.”
Wiwink : “I’m very please with you. OK Nisa please order an air ticket. I’m flying to jogja tomorrow.”
Nisa : “Yes, Wiwink.”
Expression of stance
In Formal Situation:
*       Personally I believe... (your opinion)
*       My view of....is... (your opinion)
*       From my point of view... (your opinion)
*       According to the regulation, you......
In Informal Sitution:
*       If you ask me, ..... (your opinion)
*       I guess..... (your opinion)
*       You know what I think? I think......
One day, ahmad and taufik talk about the government will claim some cultural treasures from the Netherlands government that they are with on television.
Taufik : I've heard that the government will claim some cultural treasures from Netherlands government.
Ahmad : That’s a really good step. In my view, we should pursue our own cultural identity by claiming those properties.
Taufik : Do you know that the price of historical artifacts could be very high?
Ahmad : Yes, I think that’s reasonable because the historical artifact could reveal the identity of a nation. Furthermore, it is very rare artifact.
Taufik : The government should censor the material in the internet.
Ahmad : Personally, I believe it is brilliant. It is to protect young generation from the harmful content of internet.

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  1. Holy shit, tadi gw lgi nyari2 ttg sinonim 'sad and angry', trus gk sengaja msk ke sni. No offense, tpi I think you can review grammarnya and improve it much more.

  2. Oh my bad, gw gk liat ini dri 2014
