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Discussion Text About Fuel Price Rises (BBM)

Fuel Price Rises

In Indonesia, the treated oil is widely used as a fuel or fuel oil, which is one type of fuel that is used widely in the era of industrialization. In Indonesia, the price of fuel is often increased due to the reason that the government wants to reduce subsidies. The purpose of the reduction is said that funds previously used for subsidies can be diverted to other things like education and infrastructure development. On the other hand, the increase is often trigger a rise in the price of other goods such as consumer goods, groceries and electricity tariffs that can also always resisted the community. This causes a wide range of opinion out the pros and cons of the various circles of society in response to the increase in fuel. Here are the views of the parties:
Some of the arguments that support the increase in fuel prices, among others:
World crude oil soared. The increase in crude oil prices is one reason why the government needs to raise fuel prices. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has said, the oil price assumption in the 2012 budget should be adjusted. The government no longer possible to set the Indonesian crude oil price assumption (ICP) of US $ 90 per barrel, because the current ICP price exceeds US $ 115 per barrel.
Subsidies misplaced. With fuel prices low, it gets huge subsidies are people who use the car. Non-residents should get subsidies, such as motorcycle taxis and auto-rickshaw driver. Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa said the move to raise fuel prices is a solution targeted subsidies. "So, this is good, high society we previously enjoyed a 70 percent (subsidized fuel) can pay increase," said Hatta.
Meanwhile, on the other hand, for those who refuse to raise the price of fuel, have arguments, among others:
Budget would not be broken. PDI-P did not agree with the government's plan to raise fuel prices. The party bearing the bull's head of government believes the assumptions wrong to think of the state budget will be broken when the fuel price was raised. "The fuel subsidy from year to year is down. So, assuming the provision of fuel subsidy will make the broken state budget is absurd, "said Secretary PDIP, Bambang Wuryanto, at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 29th, 2012. For your information, the 2005 state budget, fuel subsidies reached Rp95,6 trillion. Meanwhile, the 2012 budget ballooned to Rp123,6 trillion. Even in the 2012 state budget set Rp137 trillion.
The subsidy has been targeted. Assumption those government subsidies have not targeted, according PDIP also not true. "The fuel subsidy is correct. So, do not use any excuse targets for reducing subsidies, "said Bambang.
Politicians PDIP, Daryatmo Mardiyanto, say, most of the premium subsidy consumed by the middle and lower classes. Note PDIP, of the total premium that is consumed by households, 64 percent is consumed by a motorcycle, while only 36 percent for cars.
"Given that most motorcycle owners are lower middle class society, the means for the largest share of premium subsidy as much as 64 percent is consumed by the middle and lower classes, and it is not the rich," said Daryatmo.
Move the bag. Secretary General of PKS, Anis Matta, said that if the government raised fuel prices and make compensation for the poor, it means only move left pocket to the right pocket. "Better not raised and there should be no compensation," said Anis, in the House of Representatives, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 21, 2012.
Of some of the arguments above, I conclude that the increase in fuel prices will continue from year to year. Of course, we as people of Indonesia will continue to expect the government policies for public welfare.

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